Seeing Red -- What's Behind Your Bloodshot Eyes


Are you noticing that you have red, bloodshot eyes? There are lots of reasons they occur and just as many ways to treat them. It's important to remember that most causes of red eyes are not serious and can be treated relatively easy. Here are the 5 most common reasons for red eyes: Conjunctivitis. Better known as "pink eye," conjunctivitis is an infection in the conjunctiva (the thin membrane that lines the eyelid).

14 August 2015

Cataract Surgery And Medicare: How Much Of The Surgery Is Covered?


When you are a retiree and you are faced with cataract surgery, you may be wondering what the cost out-of-pocket will be. Even though you have Medicare insurance from the government, there is still going to be some portion that you pay for. Here is how you can figure out what the surgery will cost you. Check Medicare Parts A and B Medicare Part A covers in-patient hospital stays, including any meals you will need and your room.

13 August 2015

Preparing To Have Cataract Surgery


You've scheduled an appointment with your ophthalmologist to have your cataracts removed and you're a little nervous about the procedure. No one likes the thought of having surgery. But this procedure is so common that it's done right in your doctor's office. You'll experience no pain during the surgery and you'll see the results in a couple of days. You'll be excited to get your clear eyesight back and glad you had the procedure done.

12 August 2015

How Anxiety And Its Side Effects Can Affect Your Vision


Anxiety can affect your body in multiple ways, including causing temporary changes in your vision. While anxiety can interfere with your vision at any time, problems often occur during anxiety attacks. When you are overly stressed, muscle tension, fatigue, and your body pumping extra adrenaline can lead to oversensitivity, a rise in blood pressure, and shortness of breath -- all conditions that can lead to temporary changes in your vision.

11 August 2015

Babies Need Eye Exams Too!


You may think that your little child is too young to need to visit an optometrist, but did you know that infants should receive vision exams as part of their regular check-ups? Your pediatrician will most likely perform regular vision screenings and refer you to an optometrist if they notice any issues or concerns regarding your child's vision.  Some people think that since their child cannot communicate well yet, that a vision exam won't do any good but what many parents may not know, is that there is much more to a vision exam than choosing a pair of eyeglasses.

7 August 2015

Struggling To Remember To Wear Your Sunglasses? Four Tips To Help Make It A Habit


It's no secret that wearing sunglasses is important for preserving your eye health. By shielding your eyes and the surrounding skin from UV light, sunglasses can protect against cataracts, cancer, and even macular degeneration. However, many people fail to wear their sunglasses on a regular basis, putting themselves at an increased risk of these conditions. If you struggle with remembering to wear your sunglasses, here are a few tips to help make wearing them more of a habit.

6 August 2015

Retinopathy Of Prematurity And Treatment Options


When a baby is born too early, there are often many concerns regarding their health. One of these areas of health include the health of their eyes. Due to a disease called retinopathy of prematurity, a premature baby's eyes need to be monitored closely.  What is Retinopathy of Prematurity? Babies born earlier than 31 weeks of gestation and weigh less than 2.75 pounds at birth are most susceptible to retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).

4 August 2015