Understanding Eye Emergencies: What You Need to Know


Eye emergencies can happen at any time and can have serious consequences if not addressed promptly. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of eye emergencies and how to recognize them. Types of Eye Emergencies Traumatic Injuries Accidents happen, and unfortunately, your eyes are not immune to injuries. Trauma to the eye can occur from a sharp object or blunt force trauma. This can result in cuts, scratches, or even a detached retina.

15 April 2024

Four Compelling Reasons To Schedule An Eye Exam Today


Caring for your vision is essential for your overall well-being, and regular eye exams are a key element of maintaining eye health. It's a common misconception that if your vision seems fine, there's no need for an eye exam. This belief can lead to undetected eye problems that may worsen over time. There are four key reasons to schedule an eye exam today. Early Detection of Eye Diseases One of the top reasons for regular eye exams is catching eye diseases early.

13 September 2023

Identifying The Source Of Eye Pain: Common Causes


The eyes are one of the smaller organs of the body; however, they are also one of the most delicate. As such, eye pain should never be ignored, as it is almost always the result of a disease, condition, or other abnormality. Knowledge about some of the more common causes of eye pain can help point you in the right direction should you ever experience this discomfort.  Irritant-Induced Certain environmental elements can serve as irritants to the eyes, including allergens such as tobacco smoke and pet dander.

27 December 2022

A Guide For First-Time Contact Lens Wearers: Tips To Make The Transition Smoothly


If you're thinking about using contact lenses for the first time, you're in for a treat! Wearing contacts is incredibly convenient and can give you a whole new level of freedom. But before you dive in, there are a few things you should know. Here are a few tips to help you make the transition to contact lenses smoothly. Start Slowly If you're new to contact lenses, give your eyes time to adjust to the new sensation of having something on them.

21 September 2022

What You Should Know About Caring For Your Vision


Your vision requires more from you than just going to the eye doctor every year. Caring for your eyes and your vision should be a daily task that you do. If you aren't doing what you can to take care of your vision, your eyes could be at risk of getting worse, or you could experience other vision problems because of your lack of care. Read on for some of the things you should know about caring for your vision.

25 February 2022

Computer, Distance, Reading – Just How Many Prescriptions Are There?


If you feel like you've been accumulating vision correction prescriptions as you get older, you're not imagining things. Vision correction has really expanded as the needs of people change. Maybe you were nearsighted all your life only to develop issues with close vision, too, as you got older, and then your optometrist told you to use prescription computer glasses while at work. These all have their place, and what you need depends on your eyes and your lifestyle.

22 November 2021

Preparing For Your Eye Exam


Eye exams are an important part of your yearly health routine. However, individuals will often fail to receive these examinations as often as they should. This can lead to them being unsure as to what they can do to prepare for their eye exam. Here are some things to keep in mind when preparing for your next eye exam: Appreciate That You May Not Be Able To Drive For An Hour Or Two After The Exam

22 June 2021

How To Know When You're Ready For Cataract Surgery


When you are first diagnosed with cataracts, it is typical for the eye doctor to tell you to wait it out a bit — you don't need surgery quite yet, but you likely will in the future. It can be a relief to know what's going on and that there is a viable treatment, but sometimes this does also make patients wonder when, exactly, they will need to have surgery.

5 February 2021

Pain Around Your Eyes: Is It An Infection Or Something Else?


If you suddenly feel pain around or between your eyes and there's no sign of redness, infection, or loss of vision in them, you may wonder if there's something else going on. Several things can cause eye pain without any visible symptoms, including sinus infections, foreign objects, and headaches. Learning more about your pain may help you find the right treatment for it. Here are possible reasons for your eye pain and what you can do to treat them.

4 October 2016

Understanding Your Fuchs Endothelial Dystrophy And Its Treatments


When you notice that your vision just does not seem as clear as it should be or you have a cloudy or white cornea, you may come to find out that you are suffering from a condition known as Fuchs endothelial dystrophy. While this may not be a familiar condition, the good news is that it is treatable. Get to know more about Fuchs endothelial dystrophy and some of the ophthalmology treatments available to you to deal with this condition so you know what to expect moving forward.

3 June 2016