When Your Vision Seems Off: Lesser Known Causes Of Vision Disturbances


As you go about your daily life, you probably do not give much thought to your eye health. However, as soon as your vision begins to change or gets to be a problem, your eyes are all you can think about. If you are experiencing vision disturbances and wonder what could possibly be causing them, get to know some of the lesser known causes of these disturbances that you may be experiencing. That way, when you go to your eye doctor, you will not have any total surprises in store for you.

Macular Pucker

The retina is a the part of your eye that is sensitive to light and that helps to send signals through the nerves to form an image in the brain, and the macula is a pigmented part of the retina that helps with visual acuity and the sharpening of images.

When you are dealing with distorted or blurry vision, you may be suffering from what is know as a macular pucker. This issue means that you have scar tissue on your macula (most often from the loss of fluid in the eye due to age). That scar tissue is what affects your vision.

If your eye doctor diagnoses you with a macular pucker, and your vision problems are only minor, you may not need any treatment for it at all. You may simply learn to live with the change in your vision. And sometimes that scar tissue will separate from the surface of the retina all on its own. However, in severe cases, you may need retinal surgery to clear up the issue and restore vision (if the effects are severe).


What you may not consider when you begin to have vision problems is that other health conditions may have an adverse effect on your vision as well. Diabetes, for example, can have a significant effect on your vision and your overall eye health.

Blurry vision is an early sign of type 2 diabetes. It occurs because the condition causes a build-up of sugar in the blood and the blood flow to the eyes, specifically the retinas, gets restricted. Fluid can also leak into the retina causing blurry or otherwise problematic vision.

Getting your blood sugar and insulin levels regulated will help to clear up the visual disturbances. The treatments will be overseen by your medical doctor, though it could be your eye doctor that first notices the signs of diabetes-related retinal issues.

Now that you know a few of the lesser known causes of your vision problems, you can better be prepared when you head to the eye doctor to get checked out.


20 April 2016

Need an Optometrist? Improve the Health of Your Vision Here

If your vision isn't as good as it used to be, you need to see an optometrist. I developed an uncontrollable twitch in both eyes. The problem became so bad that it interfered with my sleep at night. I became cranky, irritable and extremely self-conscience about my problem. At times, I couldn't see anything, even if it was close to my face. But after speaking to my regular doctor about my twitchy eyes, they referred me to an optometrist for an eye exam. The optometrist diagnosed me with poor nerve function. If I didn't do something about it, I'd lose my vision. My eye doctor prescribed eyeglasses to help me see better until I underwent surgery to repair the damaged nerves in my eyes. Now, I see just fine. If you want to know more about protecting your vision, keep reading my blog.